In It For the Long Haul
Talya DiGirolamo
It’s been almost two years since I officially started this endeavor in creating Triple Threat Softball Academy. And what an endeavor it is! I have grown from 3 students this time two years ago, coached over 90 students since, and continue to work with over 40 students on a regular basis. I am so grateful for the local leagues that have invited me to do local clinics and to Dingers Athletics in bringing me on as an instructor at their cages.
The purpose of this blog is to share my “In It for the Long Haul Wall.” Celebrating the students that have stuck with me over these past two years. It is an effort to celebrate loyalty. I went to the same pitching coach and played on the same travel ball team from start to college. I value the family environment in the softball world. They say it takes a village, and my village consisted of softball fields, coaches, team moms, teammates, umpires, trainers, siblings of teammates, you get my point. Most of my students at this point are ages 9-11, which is such a fun age to work with. I love being able to be a part of their growth from the beginning. To see them grow and to get to know their families and their dreams. I love to be able to remind them about their youth as they get older. Remind them of what they have overcome to get where they are. I’ve seen the hot-headed 9-year old on the mound turn into the best poker face pitcher. I’ve seen the timid batter turn into the confident clutch hitter. I’ve seen the shy student turn into a true vocal leader on her team. To be part of their growth, to help direct them on a path to success, to be loyal to a vision of what that student may achieve and the character we can help guide them toward. I love sticking it through with my students and that’s why I created this page. To celebrate the students that have committed to pursuing their goals, who are loyal to a vision we have for their future.
The students on this wall have been with me for at least one year. With a couple of my first students sliding in on their 2-year anniversary. Each student gets a dog tag on their anniversary to commemorate the occasion. I hope to grow this wall, hoping I’ll be able to write 10-years under my 8-year old students’ names when they go off to college. [Actually I hope I follow through and keep up this wall because we all know how hard it is to stay on top of these things!]
Thank you students and families for putting your trust in me. I hope you know that I will always work to be my best and do my best for you. I look forward to what the future holds for all these students. So many bright futures ahead! … Now lets get to work!!!!

-- Coach Talya